Course Policies
Respect and Civility
Online course discussion assignments require students to treat each other with respect and civility even as they argue over complex ideas, beliefs, and values. Honest mistakes will be made, and sometimes people will lose their tempers. Typically I try to work through these issues as they come up with students, but I do reserve the right to suspend a student's participation in these electronic forums if I determine that the student has not made a good faith effort to treat her or his classmates with respect and civility. A student will receive a grade of 0 for any assignments not completed because of such a suspension from an electronic forum.
Required Assignments
To pass the course a student must complete must complete the four major papers (California Dream paper, the Research Project, The California Film paper, and the Discussion Forum Portfolio), and participate in the three required phone conferences to discuss your writing in the class.
Backing Up Your Work and Saving Emails
With the exception of supporting documentation for your research paper, all work for this course is submitted electronically via Moodle or email. You are responsible for saving backups of all submitted works and copies of all emails sent to the instructor. Please create a separate folder on your hard drive and /or a backup disk for all of your work. I also highly recommend that you create a separate folder in your email for any correspondence to or from me. If Moodle or I lose your work though some electronic mishap, you are responsible for providing replacement copies of that work.