Reading & Writing California:
How Our Dreams Shape Our Realities

Learning Objectives

What will I be able to do when I successfully complete this course?

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Critical Thinking

To think critically and creatively, analyzing essays, synthesizing ideas, interpreting data, constructing logical arguments, and evaluating your own writing and the writing of others.


To read college level prose actively and apply that reading to class discussions, quizzes, writing assignments, and exams.


Grammar & Mechanics

To follow the convention of standard written English and to independently recognize and correct mechanical and grammatical errors in your own writing.

Interpersonal Skills

To apply speaking and listening skills, and interpersonal skills (including working as a member of a team) to academic and workplace settings.




To research and properly document an issue or question using field research, electronic database, library, and internet search techniques and source evaluation skills

















English 100 Online (Section 2112): Course Portal
Instructor: Jim Sullivan web page
Office: 3615 Oceanside Campus • Hours: M/W 12-1; T-Th 11-12
Office Phone: 760=757-2121 ext 6303 / Cell 951-505-2232

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To use the writing process to compose college level expository prose characterized by the following:

a. clear organization,

b. convincing support,

c. correct and varied sentences,

d. active voice,

e. concise and appropriate word choice, and

f. an understanding of purpose and audience.