Reading & Writing California:
How Our Dreams Shape Our Realities

Required Resources

California Dreams and Realities Cover (Course Text Book)

Click image to visit web site.


Maasik, Sonia and Jack Solomon. California Dreams and Realities, 3rd Edition. Bedford/ St. Martins. Boston: 2004.

Computer Access

A Computer and reliable Online Access that meets Miracosta's Distance Education Technology Requirements

Internet Browser Software

Our course system, Moodle, requires Firefox internet browser software. This is not optional. If you use another internet browser, you will have many technical problems and be unable to use key course resources.

Word Processing Software

Microsoft Word is best, but you can use other software if it will allow you to save your work in Word format when you post it to our Moodle Peer Editing and Writing Activities forums.

Other Software

PowerPoint for lessons and lectures provided in this format.

QuickTime software to listen to audio and movie lectures.




Compatibility Cure

If you are having trouble opening new Word 2007 files because you have an older version of Word, then install this compatibility software on your computer (if you are a PC user) and you should be good to go: Microsoft Pack

Mac users, check back soon for more on your best options.

















English 100 Online (Section 2112): Course Portal
Instructor: Jim Sullivan web page
Office: 3615 Oceanside Campus • Hours: M/W 12-1; T-Th 11-12
Office Phone: 760=757-2121 ext 6303 / Cell 951-505-2232

Complicating the
California Dream

“California is a place in which a boom mentality and a sense of Chekhovian loss meet in uneasy suspension; in which the mind is troubled by some buried but ineradicable suspicion that things had better work here, because here, beneath that immense bleached sky, is where we run out of continent.”
–- Joan Didion

Whatever starts in California, unfortunately has an inclination to spread. -- Jimmy Carter

 “There is science, logic, reason; there is thought verified by experience. And then there is California.” -- Edward Abbey