S3 |
Sentence Fragments |
S5 |
Coordination and Subordination |
S6 |
Dangling / Misplaced Modifiers |
S8 |
Integrated Quotations, questions, and thoughts |
W |
Unnecessary Words / Concision Errors |
? |
Missing Word or Words |
W1 |
Incorrect Word Choice / Usage |
W3 |
Appropriate Language |
W5-b |
Pronoun Agreement |
W5-c |
Shift in Person or Number |
W5-d |
Relative Pronouns |
- the most common error here is using "that" or "which" for a person when you should use "who" or "whom."
W5-i |
"It" Problems |
Reduce your use of the pronoun "it," especially as the subject of clauses. |
Substitute specific nouns for "it" by asking yourself "To whom or what does "it" refer. |
W5-o |
"One" what? |
Avoid the pronoun "one." |
Plug in a specific noun--usually referring to a group but sometimes referring to an individual--for "one." Ask yourself "one what?" |
W5-y |
"You" |
"You" is a direct address to the reader. Think of the reader saying "me?" each time you use that pronoun. |
Replace all "you" pronouns with a first or third person pronoun unless you are actually directly addressing your reader. |
W6 |
Adjectives and Adverbs |
V1 |
Subject-Verb Agreement |
V4 |
Infinitives, Gerunds, and Sequence |
P1a Before coordinating conjunctions separating independent clauses |
P1c Non-essential phrases and clauses |