MAT 110: Syllabus

Gregg Kelley, MA
Phone: 760.795.6841
Office Location: OCT 430
Office Hours: By Appointment

When emailing me, please be sure to include the class name, MAT 110, in the subject line. I will respond to all emails within twenty-four hours.

This is a three unit class in which students will learn to use Adobe Photoshop to create digital imaging designs of professional quality. Through the manipulation of photographic and other raster graphic images, students generate unique artwork that involves photo editing, tonal and color correction, masking, layer adjustments, painting techniques, blending modes, and advanced compositing. Students study layout and design techniques, application of color using CMYK and RGB, and appropriate typography practices.

The primary objective of this course is to help students develop and refine their own visual style while learning the concepts and skills of digital imaging with Adobe Photoshop. The emphasis in this class will be to demonstrate how graphic designers incorporate digital processes and content into their designs. Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to use Adobe Photoshop’s digital imaging tools and techniques for image editing and transformation, tonal and color correction, and special effects; apply photo repair and color adjustment techniques to generate realistic and stylized image representations; utilize digital imaging tools to make selections, create gradients, work with layers, manipulate brushes and paint, utilize masks and channels, and incorporate vector drawing techniques; integrate multiple digital images into a complex form through layer masking, clipping groups, adjustment layers, and filters; distinguish between raster images and vector graphics and use each appropriately within a composite image; apply fundamental layout and design principles to original digital imaging work; apply appropriate color palettes and color spaces to a variety of digital outputs; assess typographic elements for visual impact and effective communication; analyze contemporary commercial design styles and assess their impact on personal work; create a cohesive art piece that conveys a distinct message using an assortment of digital images; construct a professional statement that interprets a digital image’s message and explains the technical devices used in its creation; analyze and critique selected images for message, quality of design, and proper use of type, color, and composition; discuss copyright infringement, legal aspects of ownership, and ethical considerations of image manipulation; analyze and assess personal and royalty-free image resources and evaluate appropriateness for web distribution and/or print production; use appropriate terminology to describe the relationship between digital imaging software and different hardware input and output devices; experiment with file formats, image resolution, and exporting options to generate a successful design for either print or web output.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to use digital imaging tools and techniques for image editing, tonal and color correction, and special effects; assemble multiple images into composite digital representations that incorporate color and design principles to achieve a sense of style, dimension and depth; plan, prepare, and design digital imagery that incorporates message in conjunction with artistic and technical elements of professional quality.

In this class, project based assignments are used so that students learn to search for information, make decisions, and solve problems, which gives them an opportunity to explore real-world situations and challenges. This method allows for a variety of learning styles and helps students develop confidence and self-direction as they learn the skills of organization, research, and time management. As a result, students are more likely to retain information and come to value the learning process as well as the learning project.

This class requires Adobe Photoshop CC software, one textbook, and an Internet connection with a browser such as Firefox, Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Adobe Creative Team  Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book, Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, 2019

Eismann, Katrin  Photoshop Masking & Compositing, Berkeley, CA: New Riders Press, 2012
Hall, Susannah  Best Photoshop Filters, Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, 2012
Hashimoto, Alan  Visual Design Fundamentals: A Digital Approach, Boston, MA: Delmar Learning, 2009
Joinson, Simon  Get the Most From Photoshop, Cincinnati, OH: David & Charles, 2009
Kloskowski, Matt  Photoshop Compositing Secrets, Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, 2012

The student's grade is based on assignments consisting of Discussion Board posts (11 @ 10 points, 4 @ 31.25 points), and Skill Builders (11 @ 15 points). In addition, there will be four Design Projects (@ 150 points). The total semester value is 1000 points. Assignments will be posted each Monday and are due on Sunday of that week. Assignments not completed on time will get a 50% reduction of points.

A = 1000 – 900 • B = 899 – 800 • C = 799 – 700 • D = 699 – 600 • F = below 599
Projects = 60%  •  Discussion Board = 23.50%  •  Skill Builders = 16.5%

Attendance at class meetings is essential to academic success. Interaction with faculty members and fellow students provides the best opportunity for learning information and for exercising skills necessary to gain competencies in the subject. Classroom discussion also enriches understanding beyond the boundaries of the specific course and develops students’ analytical facility and ability to communicate ideas effectively. I expect each student to take full advantage of their educational experience by developing personal responsibility for class attendance. Students are expected to attend and participate in all meetings of the courses in which they are enrolled. Attending all classes supports full academic development of each learner. Excessive absences are defined as more than the number of times the class meets per week. If you miss more than one class during the semester, every additional absence after that is considered excessive and will lower your grade by a full letter. A student who anticipates missing a high number of classes for excused absences is required to discuss this issue with the instructor during the first week of classes to determine the possible solutions or consequences. Although I may drop students for non-attendance, students should not assume that this will occur. Students are responsible for dropping a course, if that is their intent, to avoid a grade of W or F.

The Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal antidiscrimination statute that provides comprehensive protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities, any student with a disability who needs academic adjustments or accommodations should speak with me and the Disabled Students Program and Services in Building 3000 or call 760.795.6658. All discussions will remain confidential.