Assessment:"How Am I Doing?"
This page presents the learning activities you will complete in order to develop the thinking, reading, writing, research, and social skills describedin our learning objectives. Of course, grades matter, but they should matter because they tell you whether you are learning what you set out to learn.
For this reason, I allow you to rewrite three of your four major papers as often as you wish (although you may only submit one rewrite in any given week). We will use rubrics, comments from your peers, written and verbal feedback from me, and conferencing as the primary methods for helping develop and improve your writing and thinking in this class.
Assignment Submission Policies
Late Work: I will not penalize late work submitted by prior agreement with me.You must arrange late submissions at least 24 hours before the due date and time. Otherwise late assignments receive a penalty of 10% for each day or part of a day that they are late. An assignment submitted after the after 10 PM on the due date, therefore, would receive a 10% penalty. Discussion forums close at 10 P.M. on their due date, so no late work (even if requested in advance) can be submitted to discussion forums.
Final Drafts: The highest grade that any incomplete (less than minimum length or missing a required element of the assignment) final draft can receive is a ‘D.' Most incomplete assignments earn a failing grade. I will not accept a final draft unless all writing activities for that paper have been completed.
Rewrites: I encourage you to rewrite graded papers in this class, but you will only receive written comments from me the first time I grade the paper. Rewrites must have a cover page (see the course web page for this form) and be submitted along with the original paper and any comments or rubrics I completed for the original paper. You may turn in rewrites on any class day, but you may not submit more than one rewrite in any week.