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Presentaciones en Power Point para la clase de nivel principiante (101)

    Note: Most of these presentations were created with the purpose of showing them in my 101 classes at Miracosta College. Spanish teachers or students are more than welcome to use them.
    Enjoy them!
    Laura Carlsson

  • Las vocales - "a, e, i, o, u" practice the sound of the vowels in Spanish.
  • Diptongos - A diphthong is when two vowels are in one syllable.
  • Los objetos de la clase - Check your knowledge filling the blanks with the vowels.
  • Conjugando - Trees have "tronco & terminación" as well as the actions in Spanish do.
  • Cognados - Cognates are words that share roots in two languages.
  • Los adjetivos - The adjectives in Spanish must agree with the noun they modify in gender and number.
  • Adjetivos demostrativos - They point out nouns relative to the position of the speaker.
  • Usos del verbo "tener" - The verb "to have" has different uses in Spanish and it is an irregular verb.
  • Verbos con cambio de raíz - The stem changing verbs suffer three types of deviation on the stem in some verbs.

More to come soon...

Print and complete the questions of the chapter you are going to see and give it to your teacher.


Montando caballos en Tecate, Mexico
Tecate, Mexico Lucas enlazando el caballo en Tecate, Mexico

e-mail Prof Carlsson:

MiraCosta College • One Barnard Drive • Oceanside, CA 92056 • (760) 757-2121 • Toll-Free (888) 201-8480

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