October 22-25: Professor Rica French is in Palm Springs, CA, co-presenting a workshop with Danielle Martino (Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Santiago Canyon College) on "ClassAction: A Powerful Tool for Interactive Learning Sequences." The workshop is presented as part of the annual meeting of the California Science Teachers Association. (http://www.cascience.org/)

Professor Rica French speaks to the San Diego Space Society on "Space Telescopes" in honor of World Space Week.

Francis French, Director of Education at the San Diego Air & Space Museum speaks to the LIFE group at the Oceanside Campus on "Space Race Trimuphs and Tragedies." (Sorry, no relation to Professor Rica French! :) )

Professor Rica French is in Milbrae, CA, co-presenting a workshop with Edward Prather (NASA Center for Astronomy Education and the University of Arizona Steward Observatory) on "Interactive Lecturing - How to Increase Student Intellectual Engagement and Understanding During the Lecture Portion of Your Class." The workshop is presented in conjunction with the 120th meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. (http://www.astrosociety.org)