Regional Teaching Exchange: Southern California
Sponsored by MiraCosta College and the Center for Astronomy Education

Join us for a FREE series of workshops on interactive learning. College-level instructors from all disciplines are encouraged to attend. Register for any or all of the workshops. The morning sessions are discipline-independent, as is the first afternoon session. Others are specifically astronomy content. Click here for the conference flyer.
Click here for more Info and conference resources.

Public Talk: SOFIA
Dr. Dana E. Backman

Located in Aztlan A&B in building 3400. [campus map]
Celebrate Space Day with MiraCosta College and SOFIA: NASA’s New Airborne Observatory.
Click here for the event flyer.

Astronomy Day (Astronomy Week is 4/19-25)

MiraCosta Community Math & Science Fair: Professor Rica French and a complement of ASTR 101 & 101L students host "out-of-this-world" activities. Come join us and other MiraCosta students and staff! (there will be a flier soon, but don't have it yet)

March 2010: Look for updates about MiraCosta's Kids @ College program. Professor Rica French always has a class, complete with helpers from ASTR 101 & 101L.

Professor Rica French is in Los Angeles, CA, accompanying a group from MiraCosta's Community Education classes to Griffith Observatory.

Professor Rica French is in Pomona, CA, meeting with co-investigators on the CAMPARE grant, the California-Arizona Minority Partnership for Astronomy Research and Education, hoping to join forces by bringing MiraCosta students into the program. (

Professor Rica French is in Washington, DC, at the 215th meeting of the American Astronomical Society co-presenting a paper on "A Multi-Institution Study on the Effectiveness of ClassAction to Promote Student Understanding in Astro 101."

January 2-3: Professor Rica French is in Washington, DC, co-presenting a workshop with Edward Prather (NASA Center for Astronomy Education and the University of Arizona Steward Observatory) and Kevin Lee (University of Nebraska, Lincoln) on "Using Technology in the Astro 101 Classroom." The workshop is presented as part of the 215th meeting of the American Astronomical Society. (