Experiment 3

Counting and Measuring Atoms

This experiment involves taking measurements and ultimately determining the radius of a single Al atom or a glucose molecule. There is an Answer Sheet for you to record your data, but you must print this sheet from online.

During this experiment, you will determine the dimensions of an Al bar (not a sheet of Al foil) and its mass. From these measurements you will determine the volume and density of this piece of metal. Using these measurements you will determine the volume of a single Al atom (total volume divided by total number of atoms) and then the radius of a single Al atom. To reinforce these calculations, you will also determine the volume, using the known density of Al, and its measured mass. In fact, this is the procedure you would follow if you had an irregularly shaped object, such as a gold nugget. After working with an Al bar, you will perform similar calculations to determine the volume and radius of glucose, which makes up cellulose in paper.

List all answers in the places indicated on the answer sheet. Use the correct number of significant figures in all your answers.

Calculations to determine the radius of an Al atom.

  1. Measure the diameter (d) and length (L) of the Al bar.
  2. Determine its mass to three decimal places.
  3. Calculate its volume using its radius (d/2) and length (vol= πr2L), using your measured values.
  4. Determine the density of this Al bar using your mass (ii) and calculated volume (iii). Determine the %Error for your calculated density compared to the actual density of Al (2.702 g/cm3).  To calcuate percent error (%Error) use the formula at the end of this sheet.
  5. Calculate the number of Al atoms in this bar. Use the molar mass of Al to determine number of moles (divide your measured mass (ii) by the molar mass). Multiple the number of moles by Avogadro's number (6.02 x 1023 atoms/mol) to determine the total number of atoms in the Al bar.
  6. To calculate the volume of a single Al atom, you will divide the total volume of the Al bar (iii) by the total number of Al atoms (v). This is the volume of a single Al atom.
  7. Calculate the radius of an Al atom. (Derive the formula for the radius of a sphere from the formula of a sphere: vol=4/3 π r3.)
  8. What is the % error of the Al atom radius that you determined compared to its actual radius (143 pm)?
  9. We are now going to calculate the volume of the Al bar, not using its dimensions, but using its mass.  For this part of the experiment, you will divide the mass of the Al bar (ii) by its density (2.702 g/cm3) to determine its volume.  (Remember: the density you use for this part of the experiment is the theoretical Al density.  The volume you calculate is based only on mass and density, not its dimensions.  This approach is what can be used for an irregularly shaped object.)
  10. Based on the volume(ix) above, calculate the volume of a single Al atom using this volume (ix) and the number of Al atoms in the bar (v).
  11. Calculate the radius of an Al atom based on (x) above.
  12. Calculate the % error of this Al radius (xi) compared to the actual radius (143 pm).  

Determining the radius of a glucose molecule

In a manner similar to the procedure outlined above, you will determine the average radius of a glucose molecule. Cellulose, the main component of paper is a polymer of glucose. Therefore, you can consider paper to be composed only of glucose for this experiment.

You will need to determine the volume of a sheet of paper. The length and width of a piece of paper are easy to measure, and, in fact, these dimensions are known. The thickness of a sheet of paper needs to be determined using a micrometer. The use of the micrometer is straight forward, but is sometimes difficult to use. Your instructor will explain how to use a micrometer.

  1. Measure the thickness of a single sheet of paper. Alternatively, you can measure the thickness of several sheets of paper, and then divide your measured value by the number of sheets. Express your thickness in cm.
  2. Express the dimensions of the sheet of paper in cm (Length & Width).
  3. Calculate the volume of a sheet of paper using the L x W x thickness (i)
  4. Weigh one sheet of paper. It is easiest to crumble a sheet of paper into a ball before weighing.
  5. Calculate the number of glucose molecules using its molar mass (180 g/mol), its mass (iv), and Avogadro's number (6.02 x 1023 molecules/mol)
  6. Calculate the volume of a single glucose molecule by dividing the total volume (iii) by the total number of molecules (v).
  7. Determine the average radius based on the volume (vi) and rearranging the formula for a sphere to solve for radius.

Useful Formulas:

To obtain %Error for a measurement, you need to know the Theoretical and Experimental values for your measurement, or set of calculations.  Use this formula to obtain the %Error, which is always a positve (absolute) value (your answer will never have a negative sign).


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Copyright © Donald L. Robertson (Modified: 09/20/2006)